Haunted Fetish Gear!
(how did you get here? nobody's supposed to be here)
Pharmaceutically-Induced Anesthetic Dissociation!
(looks like naps but are not, in fact, naps)
Cognitive Biases!
(why do i always think)
Butoh training exercises!
(let's all think this same thing next by thinking about it)
Mikiki explores the relationship between 'working out' and 'working through' esoteric sexual practices.
Which are just my sexual practices.
The S.P.A.C.E.
St. John's NL 2019
curated by RetroFlex
RetroFlex is a year long curatorial project developed by Kailey Bryan, Jason Penney, and Jason Wells. This comprehensive year long program focuses on themes pertinent to emergent queer perspectives and history contextualized within St. John's, NL.
Viewing artistic practice as a necessary and incisive tool in creating queer history and challenging authoritative ideas surrounding archival practices divorced from community engagement they have developed a robust program of exhibitions, video screenings, artist talks, performance interventions, and commissioned texts.